Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Biggest D Supporter
6:30 AM
I am really enjoying all of the posts. Day 1 was so interesting reading about everyone's D day & I loved all of the anti-low ideas from yesterday. I am totally stocking up on Smarties ASAP! I'm falling behind on comments but that doesn't mean I don't love you!! I got nothing but love for all my D bloggy friends.
Today's post subject:
Wednesday 5/12 – Your Biggest Supporter. Sure, our diabetes care is ultimately up to us and us alone. But it’s important to have someone around to encourage you, cheer you, and even help you when you need it. Today it’s time to gush and brag about your biggest supporter. Is it your spouse or significant other? Your best friend, sibling, parent or child? Maybe it’s your endo or a great CDE? Or perhaps it’s another member of the D-OC who is always there for you? Go ahead, tell them just how much they mean to you!
I actually cranked out the posts for day 1 and day 2 on Sunday (finished up on Monday morning) but have to admit I have been dreading this post. I never want to hurt anyone's feelings or leave anyone out when I am giving praise. Now I know what it must be like to win an Academy Award - I would be terrible at giving at acceptance speech!!
I started a post last week that is still sitting in the draft folder that I will save for a later date titled "Not all dads do D". Sadly, my spouse is not my biggest D supporter. He is a great dad but he is in some kind of D denial. He can check Nate's bg and bolus him with the PDM when he has to but most of Nate's care is handled by me.
Daddy & Nate
My parents are great and always willing to help out in a pinch but I know that D still scares them and is still pretty confusing for them. Don't get me wrong my parents support me in A LOT of ways but they cannot be my biggest D supporter when they do not fully understand what it takes to keep the little man alive. They are my biggest supporters for everything else. Best. Parents. Ever.
GaGa, Poppa and Nate
I love my friends. What would a girl do without her friends? Are they cheering me on? Yes. Are they always there for me? Yes. Are they awesome? Yes. Do they fully understand diabetes? No. Do I want them to? NO! I don't think you can fully understand what it is to live with D unless you live with D. That being said I am glad that my friends are not my biggest D supporters because I do not want any of them to ever know what it is like to live with D.
So, who is my biggest D supporter? You are!
If you read this blog and leave supportive comments - you are my biggest D supporter. If you have been reading it from the beginning and made it through all of the negative posts then YOU are my biggest supporter. If you are a D-Mom or a D-Dad and you are awake with me at all hours of the night then you are my biggest supporter! If you know sleepless nights, worry, highs, lows, insulin on board and no insulin on board, can chat about basals and bolusing & love a person with D, are a person with D then YOU are my biggest D supporter.
I would like to thank everyone for all of the love and support I have received over the past 8 months from all of my family - - - especially my parents, my old friends, my new friends and the diabetic online community.
Thanks Y'all - - - I know I could not have done it with out each of you.
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Just a Mom
I am NOT a doctor, nor do I play one on this blog.
I AM a wife.
I AM the mom of 3 wonderful children.
I AM my son's pancreas.
The information provided on this blog is from our personal experiences with Type 1 diabetes. Because something works for us does not mean it will work for you.
Please consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your health care options.
I AM a wife.
I AM the mom of 3 wonderful children.
I AM my son's pancreas.
The information provided on this blog is from our personal experiences with Type 1 diabetes. Because something works for us does not mean it will work for you.
Please consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your health care options.
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CBS 5... Shame On You!13 years ago
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Lipoatrophy13 years ago
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I'm BACK!14 years ago
SleepOVERS!!!15 years ago
This post just totally made me tear up! I still wish we could all live in one neighborhood together...LOL! I admire you for being able to handle a little one with diabetes. Kacey was 8 when she was diagnosed and she is old enough to tell me when she feels lows or shes grumpy from a high but I cant imagine the frustration of a baby with diabetes. All the he crying cuz hes high? low? hungry? tired? The add sickness in the mix and I'd probably be in the looney bin wearing a white coat!!! You're such a strong D-Mom and ILY!!!! :)
Loved this post! So well thought out, so well written . . .so very Laura! You make me so proud . . .I hope you don't get tired of me telling you, but your Pop and I pray for you daily for strength . . .you make it all look so easy,when we all know it isn't and we are just well . . .Proud. Am so happy the DMoms and Dads form such a support team for you . . .Thanks one and all!!
Same here, Laura! The only other people who really do get it!
Love you!
Awww Laura - what a great post! Hey, we all have what we have around us for a reason. I am so glad you are in my D-Life in bloggy land. You are a great support yourself to so many D-Mommas out here. We are all members of a club we had no intention of joining. I am so glad that through all this, I met you.
Dear Sweet Laura~
your post touched my heart. My husband is in the same place as yours, so I know how you feel sweetie, I am right there with you. In fact your whole post resonates my life to a T...... Thanks for the courage to post this!!!
I love you too!!!!
Laura, you are a gem. My life if better because I know you.
Love you friend!
*sniff, sniff... GREAT post, Laura... very well written, very well said, and SO TRUE!
I dont remember who suggested it, but I really do think we all just need to buy and island and all live there together!
This is an awesome post. So candid and honest. That's one of the things I love about you Laura. You completely and utterly ROCK!
Beautiful post Laura, this D-blog community has been a HUGE source of support and comfort for me and I love that we can all come together to share our stories and support each other.
Love this and Joanne are way too organized and early getting your posts up. Now I have to get creative with mine so I don't sound like a copycat. LOL
So happy to know you!
I Loved this. It's so can't really understnad D until you live with it. It's so complicated!
I'm so happy I recently found the DOC! It's been a huge support....and I love seeing that I'm not the only one going through this!
So sweet :) It's an incredible blessing to have a friend to navigate this journey with.
WAHOOO!!!! YOU.ARE.MINE.TOO!!! Funny how a lot of us feel the same. Love your delivery on this post by the way...with the "insert photo here" - VERY CLEVER girl.
Have a great night!
hahaha I totally felt the same way as you when I started this topic, I did not want to leave anyone out :)
Your awesome!! thank you for all your support!!
I know we "talked" about this over email, but I got such a kick out of the fact that we had the same idea. Right down to the "your picture / image here" part. The D-OC is priceless, aren't they? :)