Monday, August 2, 2010
How Nate got high . . .
9:08 AM
If you read my post yesterday then you know that Nate was super HIGH. His PDM said HIGH and another meter said 447. Either way you look at it the boy was HIGH and he had LARGE ketones which is dangerous and bad and scary and crappy and well, ALL MY FAULT.
As you already know he was dx with strep late Friday afternoon. We took his rx to the Market Street pharmacy because they are offering free antibiotics until the end of next month. The problem with the free antibiotics is that they did not have any sugar free options. We went ahead and went with the free option and were prepared to see some highs from the strep and the pink, sugary amoxicillin. We set a temp basal increase through the 1st night and he ran a little low - nothing major.
Saturday morning Nate woke up with a bg of 206. I bolused him for breakfast & gave a correction and then let the children wrestle, play and giggle in my bed for a few minutes before heading to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. During that play time Nate knocked his pod almost all of the way off but Jim and I were able (so we thought) to tape it back on with opsite flexifix.
I have to say I usually get out the flashlight and check the canulla with a light to make good and sure it is still in but Saturday I did not. I had only ONE thing on my mind that morning and it was not the usual diabetes.
Joanne, Jessica and I had planned a girls day out with a mani/pedi (with hot rock massage), lunch and as it turns out a little frozen yogurt for dessert. I had been looking forward to it for a week and was SO ready to take a little D break with my D sistas!
Jim checked in by email about 30 minutes into the mani/pedi to report that Nate's beep beep (DexCom) was reading 'high'. I emailed him back and told him to wait until lunch and his insulin to peak before giving a correction. During lunch with the girls he emailed and said that Nate's PDM said 'high' now too. Instead of throwing in the towel on my time away I told him to give the full bolus and correction and I would check him when I got home.
On to Yogurtville with my girls. It was so fun. I love chatting and hanging out with these 2 lovely ladies. We are truly sisters, partners and friends. Although we were all having fun we knew that we all had to return to the real 'D' world.
Once home I checked Nate's bg - HIGH. Checked ketones - LARGE. Checked Pod - it looked fine but I decided to remove the pod and give a large correction by syringe. The canulla was was not bent but I think it was partly out so Nate was not getting insulin from about 7:45 AM until about 2:00 PM. YIKES!
Looking back I should have done things differently but in the moment I was SO excited to get a little d-cation that I got careless. At 1st it just reassured me that d-cations are not in the cards for me right now but after some careful thought and consideration I think maybe the opposite is true. D-cations may be just the thing that I need to clear my head and make me a better caregiver and pancreas.
Plus --- I love my pretty toes!!
As you already know he was dx with strep late Friday afternoon. We took his rx to the Market Street pharmacy because they are offering free antibiotics until the end of next month. The problem with the free antibiotics is that they did not have any sugar free options. We went ahead and went with the free option and were prepared to see some highs from the strep and the pink, sugary amoxicillin. We set a temp basal increase through the 1st night and he ran a little low - nothing major.
Saturday morning Nate woke up with a bg of 206. I bolused him for breakfast & gave a correction and then let the children wrestle, play and giggle in my bed for a few minutes before heading to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. During that play time Nate knocked his pod almost all of the way off but Jim and I were able (so we thought) to tape it back on with opsite flexifix.
I have to say I usually get out the flashlight and check the canulla with a light to make good and sure it is still in but Saturday I did not. I had only ONE thing on my mind that morning and it was not the usual diabetes.
Joanne, Jessica and I had planned a girls day out with a mani/pedi (with hot rock massage), lunch and as it turns out a little frozen yogurt for dessert. I had been looking forward to it for a week and was SO ready to take a little D break with my D sistas!
Jim checked in by email about 30 minutes into the mani/pedi to report that Nate's beep beep (DexCom) was reading 'high'. I emailed him back and told him to wait until lunch and his insulin to peak before giving a correction. During lunch with the girls he emailed and said that Nate's PDM said 'high' now too. Instead of throwing in the towel on my time away I told him to give the full bolus and correction and I would check him when I got home.
On to Yogurtville with my girls. It was so fun. I love chatting and hanging out with these 2 lovely ladies. We are truly sisters, partners and friends. Although we were all having fun we knew that we all had to return to the real 'D' world.
Once home I checked Nate's bg - HIGH. Checked ketones - LARGE. Checked Pod - it looked fine but I decided to remove the pod and give a large correction by syringe. The canulla was was not bent but I think it was partly out so Nate was not getting insulin from about 7:45 AM until about 2:00 PM. YIKES!
Looking back I should have done things differently but in the moment I was SO excited to get a little d-cation that I got careless. At 1st it just reassured me that d-cations are not in the cards for me right now but after some careful thought and consideration I think maybe the opposite is true. D-cations may be just the thing that I need to clear my head and make me a better caregiver and pancreas.
Plus --- I love my pretty toes!!
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Just a Mom
I am NOT a doctor, nor do I play one on this blog.
I AM a wife.
I AM the mom of 3 wonderful children.
I AM my son's pancreas.
The information provided on this blog is from our personal experiences with Type 1 diabetes. Because something works for us does not mean it will work for you.
Please consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your health care options.
I AM a wife.
I AM the mom of 3 wonderful children.
I AM my son's pancreas.
The information provided on this blog is from our personal experiences with Type 1 diabetes. Because something works for us does not mean it will work for you.
Please consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your health care options.
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I could SO use a D-cation right now! I'm glad you had a good time and got to get out. Despite what you came home to.
you need to plan to take a D-cation at least once every 2 weeks or so . . .whether it is with Jim or the girlfriends . . .that's where Pop and I can help out a little . . .its important for your health and the health of both your marriage and your children . . .Don't feel guilty . . .think of it as your own prescription to be a better caregiver . . .BTW, your toes looked marvelous! :)
Yes!!! More d-cations! More mani/pedis! More lunch! And definitely more frozen yogurt.
I came home on Saturday so relaxed and refreshed and HAPPY for the first time in a looooong time. I love you guys and am so glad we're in this together.
D-cations are a must! You came home with a clear head and were able to problem solve through the issue.
Been there, done that! We left Lily with my MIL so we could go see a movie. She was a bit high before we left. We corrected her and went to the movie. When we came home, my MIL had given her orange juice because she thought Lily might have been low. BG was reading HI on Lily's meter! Yikes! But you know what? You give a dose of insulin and they go back to where they need to be, no major damage done!
Keep doing the d-cations! They are so important for recharging your batteries so you can get back to taking good care of your little man!
Don't feel bad about the highs. You deserved a little time off. If it makes you feel better, I almost forgot to pack Lainey's humalog for our week long trip...but I did remember to pack my self tanner. :)
Whoa friend!! That high wasn't your fault! It was diabetes fault. I'm sorry your crystal ball wasn't working that morning. Oh wait...crystal balls are not real!! Don't let this keep you from enjoying more time away from with the girls. It was just that ugly D monster trying to make you miserable and guilty! Don't let it win!
Definitely more frozen yogurt!! :) That was so much fun.
I think we all needed that day out, and I think that you are absolutely right when you say that taking a break will make you a better pancreas.
And as easy it is to beat yourself up over what MAY have happened if you'd been home- it hadn't been long enough for him to come down much the first time Jim called since his insulin hadn't peaked yet, and when he was HIGH at the next check, you had every reason to believe it could be strep/antibiotic related. The same thing could have easily happened with you at home. That's just D. Crappy, stupid D.
dearest laura... be kind to yourself. You did nothing wrong. We tend to beat ourselves up over things and we need to learn to nurture ourselves. Nate is fine, just another one of those scary d moments we should never have to experience. We do have an incredible appreciation for life and how fragile it is....
Bet your toes are so pretty, polish has not been on mine yet this summer...
big hugs
love that you found time to get a hot stone massage...hate that d is making you feel a bit guilty. Not your fault at all - enjoy those toes and moments of girlfriend bonding!
What happened was not your fault!!!! It was the stupid falling off pods fault. How could anyone know? He could have easily gone just as high if you were home. Highs suck - but they aren't anybody's fault. :)
I'm chiming in with the rest of the gals to say it was NOT your fault. Pretty toes are worth it. Especially in the summer. You can't know everything. Sometimes R&R is required to keep going.
DITTO on WHAT THEY ALL SAID!!! NOT.YOUR.FAULT...and yes, more d-breaks/d-cations are in order for you "d"-sistah! xoxo
DMoms deserve and need some time off. Don't feel guilty. It's not fair to you. There's nothing like a spa trip to recharge your batteries, which will help you be a better caregiver. Whenever I get some me time, I'm a much better DMom.
Your son's pancreas does not work - that is not your fault.
The world does not appreciate the intensity that managing diabetes entails - that is not your fault.
Although they seem snazzy, the tools we have are CRUDE - that is not your fault.
We all should be able to get our toes done without email disruption and worry. Blame has no place here.
It's a single number. It's over. You handled it beautifully.
Luv ya.
take more d-cations FOR SURE!!! It was just one of those things that try to make us CrAzY!!
We all need more D-cations, babe! Crazy highs are just part of the guessing game, and we all just do our best. I'm imagining your cute toes from the desert of AZ, and lovin' it :) - Mo