Thursday, April 28, 2011
Blogcation - Not Dead Yet
11:08 PM
It's true - I'm going to have to take a little blogcation.
Don't worry - I'll still be finding my one thing everyday. If there are any good ones I will be sure and post them here when I return.
I need to take a little break. Not from the DOC - Oh no! I will be missing you all very much. I just need to spend some time with me. Oh and a good book or two. Before D and UC came into my life I was an avid reader but somehow I never find the time to read much any more (I'm not counting - Think Like a Pancreas, Pumping Insulin or Breaking the Vicious Cycle). I think it's more the fact that I would rather be here reading blogs, writing posts or checking out the D scene on Facebook and Twitter.
BUT, because the folks at Pro Sports Communications were kind enough to send me a copy of Phil Sutherland's memoir, Not Dead Yet and I am super excited to read it I think I will take this opportunity to get it done. Phil Sutherland was diagnosed with Type 1 when he was 7-months old and is the is the founder of Team Type 1, a team of championship bike racers. I've only skimmed through the book so far but because he has dedicated it to his mother I like it already. To read more about Phil, Team Type 1 and Not Dead Yet check out
I personally find professional athletes with type 1 A-MAZING! I think how hard it is to control the blood sugar of my little man when he's just running around in circles making himself dizzy. I can't even imagine racing a bike across the country. A-MAZING! So, I'll let you know what I think when I'm done. :)
20. (4/28/11) Today my good thing was watching Reyna's Karaoke Vlog. Haven't seen it yet? You're missing out . . . Go Check it out NOW!! Laughed so hard I cried!
Also, don't forget about Blogger Basal - send your submission to Misty @ Life is Like a Box of Chocolates. Her email address is
Oh and check out The Princess and the Pump. Hallie and Sweetpea have had the worst week imaginable but the awesomeness that is Hallie is still hosting an awesome Sugarfree giveaway in honor of SweeetPea's 2-year diaversary. Good Luck!
Peace Out Peeps!
Don't worry - I'll still be finding my one thing everyday. If there are any good ones I will be sure and post them here when I return.
I need to take a little break. Not from the DOC - Oh no! I will be missing you all very much. I just need to spend some time with me. Oh and a good book or two. Before D and UC came into my life I was an avid reader but somehow I never find the time to read much any more (I'm not counting - Think Like a Pancreas, Pumping Insulin or Breaking the Vicious Cycle). I think it's more the fact that I would rather be here reading blogs, writing posts or checking out the D scene on Facebook and Twitter.
BUT, because the folks at Pro Sports Communications were kind enough to send me a copy of Phil Sutherland's memoir, Not Dead Yet and I am super excited to read it I think I will take this opportunity to get it done. Phil Sutherland was diagnosed with Type 1 when he was 7-months old and is the is the founder of Team Type 1, a team of championship bike racers. I've only skimmed through the book so far but because he has dedicated it to his mother I like it already. To read more about Phil, Team Type 1 and Not Dead Yet check out
I personally find professional athletes with type 1 A-MAZING! I think how hard it is to control the blood sugar of my little man when he's just running around in circles making himself dizzy. I can't even imagine racing a bike across the country. A-MAZING! So, I'll let you know what I think when I'm done. :)
20. (4/28/11) Today my good thing was watching Reyna's Karaoke Vlog. Haven't seen it yet? You're missing out . . . Go Check it out NOW!! Laughed so hard I cried!
Also, don't forget about Blogger Basal - send your submission to Misty @ Life is Like a Box of Chocolates. Her email address is
Oh and check out The Princess and the Pump. Hallie and Sweetpea have had the worst week imaginable but the awesomeness that is Hallie is still hosting an awesome Sugarfree giveaway in honor of SweeetPea's 2-year diaversary. Good Luck!
Peace Out Peeps!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Diabetes, K9s & New Tires - #20
10:14 PM
20. (4/27/11) I started out the day at 4:00 AM with a screaming Nate. SCREAMING. Oh My Goodness - I ran into his room as fast as I could -- I'm pretty sure I hit every freaking wall on the way. I found him in his bed screaming bloody murder (whatever the hell that means) and holding his leg up like an injured dog. He would NOT stop screaming. I lifted him and moved him to the rocking chair with me. Still screaming that his leg and his pod hurt. I really thought it was a night terror at 1st ---- the screaming was strange it was a crying scream but there were no tears.
I kept asking him if his pod hurt and he would scream, scream and you know --- more screaming so I eventually just ripped the damn thing off. Ouch. I'm pretty sure that was a bad move but I was freaking out. I thought for sure I was going to find a big, huge, red, pussy, swollen, infected site with a disgusting cannula but there was nothing. Not one thing. His bg was a bit high so I gave him a correction and did not put on a new pod. I figured the big bolus would cover us until 6:30 AM wake up.
That plan pretty much worked except Nate never went back to sleep. I ended up putting him in bed with me, Sophie and Emma. Good times. He read a little, played a little, laughed a little but slept none.
So, we all got up around 6a and went on with our normally scheduled AM routine.
Between getting Sophie and Emma ready for school, packing lunches, making breakfast, changing diapers, putting on a pod, and taking Pancake out for his morning poop there was no time for a shower. Nice!
No shower usually equals no problem for me. I can usually drop Emma and Sophie off and scoot home for a shower. But, not today! Oh no! I had to get Pancake over to my mom's house to be groomed and then my dad and I were going to get new tires put on my truck. No biggie I thought we would just drop off the truck and be on our way.
Oh hey - did I mention that Nate was still in his jammies? Ok - yep - he was.
The drop off took forever. By the time we dropped it off, I took my dad home, picked up Pancake and left his house in my mom's truck it was time for me to pick up Sweet Sophie. Still Stinky - Still no shower. While in carpool I got the call that the truck was ready for pick up. Awesome. I was supposed to drop off my mom's truck for a balance and rotation when I picked up my truck. Sounds simple enough - right? WRONG!
Oh My GOSH!!! It was horrible. Ok -it wasn't really that bad but a little bit crazy!
Remember I still haven't showered - and to be honest I'm pretty sure I hadn't showered since Monday. Umm - yep - I said it - I hadn't showered since Monday.
Nate is still in his jammies.
I have Pancake.
Sophie has UC.
My tires had already been paid for so I thought I was just picking up my truck and going to be on my merry little way. My dad had already done all of the due diligence on my mom's truck OH BUT OF COURSE that guy wasn't there and another guy decided he needed to have me walk out with him to inspect my mom's tires, get the mileage from her truck, find the damn wheel lock all the while corralling (ok I was really just grabbing and screaming) 2 kids and a dog.
Oh my goodness - Nate was running all over the place in the parking lot, Pancake was barking and had completely wrapped his leash around my legs oh . . . maybe 6 times. Sophie had a freaking explosion in her pants because when she's got to go she's really got to freaking go. Oh yea and I stink!!!!!
He then makes me go inside with all of the mess mentioned above and sign paperwork. Are you freaking kidding me? It was like a 3 ring circus walking into Discount Tires at 11:30 -- the busiest time of the day apparently because that place was packed. A bunch of showered people without kids or dogs watching a mess of a mom trying to wrangle a sad Sophie, a wild Nate and a damn dog! We were quite the scene.
All I could think is that I really wished I had taken a damn shower. At least then all of these people staring at me and mentally giving me the WORST MOM OF THE YEAR AWARD wouldn't be judging me for my greasy hair, pants that were a size too small & lack of proper hygiene!
Ehhh . . . what are you going to do?? Again, it really wasn't that bad --but a shower definitely would have helped. :)
Yea for new tires! Oh yes and Yea for showers - I finally got one at 7:45 this evening!
I kept asking him if his pod hurt and he would scream, scream and you know --- more screaming so I eventually just ripped the damn thing off. Ouch. I'm pretty sure that was a bad move but I was freaking out. I thought for sure I was going to find a big, huge, red, pussy, swollen, infected site with a disgusting cannula but there was nothing. Not one thing. His bg was a bit high so I gave him a correction and did not put on a new pod. I figured the big bolus would cover us until 6:30 AM wake up.
That plan pretty much worked except Nate never went back to sleep. I ended up putting him in bed with me, Sophie and Emma. Good times. He read a little, played a little, laughed a little but slept none.
So, we all got up around 6a and went on with our normally scheduled AM routine.
Between getting Sophie and Emma ready for school, packing lunches, making breakfast, changing diapers, putting on a pod, and taking Pancake out for his morning poop there was no time for a shower. Nice!
No shower usually equals no problem for me. I can usually drop Emma and Sophie off and scoot home for a shower. But, not today! Oh no! I had to get Pancake over to my mom's house to be groomed and then my dad and I were going to get new tires put on my truck. No biggie I thought we would just drop off the truck and be on our way.
Oh hey - did I mention that Nate was still in his jammies? Ok - yep - he was.
The drop off took forever. By the time we dropped it off, I took my dad home, picked up Pancake and left his house in my mom's truck it was time for me to pick up Sweet Sophie. Still Stinky - Still no shower. While in carpool I got the call that the truck was ready for pick up. Awesome. I was supposed to drop off my mom's truck for a balance and rotation when I picked up my truck. Sounds simple enough - right? WRONG!
Oh My GOSH!!! It was horrible. Ok -it wasn't really that bad but a little bit crazy!
Remember I still haven't showered - and to be honest I'm pretty sure I hadn't showered since Monday. Umm - yep - I said it - I hadn't showered since Monday.
Nate is still in his jammies.
I have Pancake.
Sophie has UC.
My tires had already been paid for so I thought I was just picking up my truck and going to be on my merry little way. My dad had already done all of the due diligence on my mom's truck OH BUT OF COURSE that guy wasn't there and another guy decided he needed to have me walk out with him to inspect my mom's tires, get the mileage from her truck, find the damn wheel lock all the while corralling (ok I was really just grabbing and screaming) 2 kids and a dog.
Oh my goodness - Nate was running all over the place in the parking lot, Pancake was barking and had completely wrapped his leash around my legs oh . . . maybe 6 times. Sophie had a freaking explosion in her pants because when she's got to go she's really got to freaking go. Oh yea and I stink!!!!!
He then makes me go inside with all of the mess mentioned above and sign paperwork. Are you freaking kidding me? It was like a 3 ring circus walking into Discount Tires at 11:30 -- the busiest time of the day apparently because that place was packed. A bunch of showered people without kids or dogs watching a mess of a mom trying to wrangle a sad Sophie, a wild Nate and a damn dog! We were quite the scene.
All I could think is that I really wished I had taken a damn shower. At least then all of these people staring at me and mentally giving me the WORST MOM OF THE YEAR AWARD wouldn't be judging me for my greasy hair, pants that were a size too small & lack of proper hygiene!
Ehhh . . . what are you going to do?? Again, it really wasn't that bad --but a shower definitely would have helped. :)
Yea for new tires! Oh yes and Yea for showers - I finally got one at 7:45 this evening!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Easter - 16, 17, 18 and 19
9:46 PM
Yes, I have other blog posts sitting in my drafts but I just haven't had time to finish them up. I promise I will soon. In the meantime . . .
19. (4/26/11) I didn't have a lot planned today so I decided to take Sophie, Nate and Pancake on a walk this morning. We were playing near the lake area at the front of our neighborhood when a car slowed down and the woman inside smiled and gave us a small wave. I waved and smiled back but noticed that she lingered just a bit so I walked over to say hello. When I approached her car she burst into tears. I was a little taken back but had a very strong feeling that I needed to help her. When she stopped crying she told me how lovely my family was and how happy we looked. Picture Perfect. She then went on to tell me some very personal information that she had been dealing with and my heart just ached for her. She was literally just driving around in despair.
It was so easy for me to relate to this woman. I told her how I often feel overwhelmingly sad and stressed. I introduced her to Nate and his T1 and Sophie and her UC and explained how their diagnosis had sent me into a tail spin. I also shared with her how I am trying to find one thing that makes me happy, or that I am thankful for each day and she loved the idea.
We chatted for quite sometime while the children played with Pancake. She said just looking at us playing there by the lake we looked so happy --- like we didn't have a care in the world. Isn't it funny how that works? You never ever know someone's burden just by looking at them. There is so much more that you can learn if you take the time to listen.
I was her one good thing today. I listened.
Oh and she thought I was 28 so she was my one good thing too! :)
In all seriousness if I had seen her driving by I would never have guessed she had a problem in the world. She was dressed beautifully, hair done, makeup on, nice car, she was beautiful. I'm glad she stopped. I'm glad I listened. I hope I helped. She was my good thing today. Hoping I helped a little - I know she helped me. Understanding. Empathy. Sharing. :)
18. (4/25/11) Today I had lunch with my mom and her college roomie, Donna and Donna's mom. I love Donna!!! My mom, Donna and I were roomies when I was about 3 or 4 years old ---- I remember sitting in her room watching her put her makeup on. I thought she was beautiful then and she still is today. As a matter of fact I was watching Donna put on her makeup one evening while sitting in the window sill of her room. Next thing I knew I was outside and people were screaming all around me. I actually fell out of her 2nd story window and landed in the bushes below. Yep - pretty sure that's what's wrong with me. I loved seeing her today ---- we had a great visit. Happy. Fun. Slight Brain Damage.
17. (4/24/11) Easter Sunday
Family. Church. Family. Good Food. Family. Easter Egg Hunt. Family. Fun. Family.
16. (4/23/11) Easter Saturday - Family Drama and Family Illness - Making Peace.
My aunt has been my ROCK for more years than I like to count. She has never let me down and always, and I mean always been there for me when I needed her.
Trust me when I say ---- I was not the easiest teenager to raise. My mom and I went round and round. And round and round and round. Well, you get the idea. I was hard on my mom and my mom was often exasperated with me! It's not that I was necessarily a bad kid but I was (am) VERY strong willed. VERY STRONG WILLED. I do not back down and well, there have been times that this not so great characteristic of mine has gotten me into a little bit of trouble. My aunt never backed down and always stood beside me. She was there when I needed her and I needed her often.
She bought me books and instilled my love of reading, she taught me that family is family and you stand by them, she loves unconditionally - period. We have faced together the death of my grandfather (her father), my grandmother (her mother), my cousin (her only child), my uncle (her brother) and my uncle (her husband). Together we made it through the most difficult of times. Our family has had some severe storms that we have weathered together.
Don't get me wrong - there are a ton of good times too. Just thinking about the two of us hanging out brings a huge smile to my face. She is good people! :)
She was recently diagnosed with terminal lung cancer that has spread to her brain.
Where is my one good thing in this you might ask? It's in the finding peace.
We lost all of the above mentioned people without warning. A car accident took her son and my uncle, my grandfather died of lung cancer but it was so fast, and my grandmother had Alzheimer's. There was no goodbye.
I don't really know if this peace I feel now will continue once she is gone but for now I feel at peace.
She is currently undergoing radiation for the tumors in her brain and once that is done we will evaluate our next step. We could have months or years. Either way knowing someone is going to die is quite strange and comforting. We've been able to talk about it, cry about it, say things that needed to be said and prepare ourselves for what is to come. Don't get me wrong I am a bit overwhelmed at the thought of her not being here but there is a peace in my heart. We had a great visit on Saturday. Sad yet Peaceful. Overwhelmed yet Prepared. Unconditional Love.
19. (4/26/11) I didn't have a lot planned today so I decided to take Sophie, Nate and Pancake on a walk this morning. We were playing near the lake area at the front of our neighborhood when a car slowed down and the woman inside smiled and gave us a small wave. I waved and smiled back but noticed that she lingered just a bit so I walked over to say hello. When I approached her car she burst into tears. I was a little taken back but had a very strong feeling that I needed to help her. When she stopped crying she told me how lovely my family was and how happy we looked. Picture Perfect. She then went on to tell me some very personal information that she had been dealing with and my heart just ached for her. She was literally just driving around in despair.
It was so easy for me to relate to this woman. I told her how I often feel overwhelmingly sad and stressed. I introduced her to Nate and his T1 and Sophie and her UC and explained how their diagnosis had sent me into a tail spin. I also shared with her how I am trying to find one thing that makes me happy, or that I am thankful for each day and she loved the idea.
We chatted for quite sometime while the children played with Pancake. She said just looking at us playing there by the lake we looked so happy --- like we didn't have a care in the world. Isn't it funny how that works? You never ever know someone's burden just by looking at them. There is so much more that you can learn if you take the time to listen.
I was her one good thing today. I listened.
Oh and she thought I was 28 so she was my one good thing too! :)
In all seriousness if I had seen her driving by I would never have guessed she had a problem in the world. She was dressed beautifully, hair done, makeup on, nice car, she was beautiful. I'm glad she stopped. I'm glad I listened. I hope I helped. She was my good thing today. Hoping I helped a little - I know she helped me. Understanding. Empathy. Sharing. :)
18. (4/25/11) Today I had lunch with my mom and her college roomie, Donna and Donna's mom. I love Donna!!! My mom, Donna and I were roomies when I was about 3 or 4 years old ---- I remember sitting in her room watching her put her makeup on. I thought she was beautiful then and she still is today. As a matter of fact I was watching Donna put on her makeup one evening while sitting in the window sill of her room. Next thing I knew I was outside and people were screaming all around me. I actually fell out of her 2nd story window and landed in the bushes below. Yep - pretty sure that's what's wrong with me. I loved seeing her today ---- we had a great visit. Happy. Fun. Slight Brain Damage.
17. (4/24/11) Easter Sunday
Family. Church. Family. Good Food. Family. Easter Egg Hunt. Family. Fun. Family.
16. (4/23/11) Easter Saturday - Family Drama and Family Illness - Making Peace.
My aunt has been my ROCK for more years than I like to count. She has never let me down and always, and I mean always been there for me when I needed her.
Trust me when I say ---- I was not the easiest teenager to raise. My mom and I went round and round. And round and round and round. Well, you get the idea. I was hard on my mom and my mom was often exasperated with me! It's not that I was necessarily a bad kid but I was (am) VERY strong willed. VERY STRONG WILLED. I do not back down and well, there have been times that this not so great characteristic of mine has gotten me into a little bit of trouble. My aunt never backed down and always stood beside me. She was there when I needed her and I needed her often.
She bought me books and instilled my love of reading, she taught me that family is family and you stand by them, she loves unconditionally - period. We have faced together the death of my grandfather (her father), my grandmother (her mother), my cousin (her only child), my uncle (her brother) and my uncle (her husband). Together we made it through the most difficult of times. Our family has had some severe storms that we have weathered together.
Don't get me wrong - there are a ton of good times too. Just thinking about the two of us hanging out brings a huge smile to my face. She is good people! :)
She was recently diagnosed with terminal lung cancer that has spread to her brain.
Where is my one good thing in this you might ask? It's in the finding peace.
We lost all of the above mentioned people without warning. A car accident took her son and my uncle, my grandfather died of lung cancer but it was so fast, and my grandmother had Alzheimer's. There was no goodbye.
I don't really know if this peace I feel now will continue once she is gone but for now I feel at peace.
She is currently undergoing radiation for the tumors in her brain and once that is done we will evaluate our next step. We could have months or years. Either way knowing someone is going to die is quite strange and comforting. We've been able to talk about it, cry about it, say things that needed to be said and prepare ourselves for what is to come. Don't get me wrong I am a bit overwhelmed at the thought of her not being here but there is a peace in my heart. We had a great visit on Saturday. Sad yet Peaceful. Overwhelmed yet Prepared. Unconditional Love.

Friday, April 22, 2011
Good Friday's 15
9:09 PM
I'm super tired but wanted to throw together a post about today's 1 thing -----
15. (4/22/11) Today was a good day. Another day of pretty numbers --- I think that makes us day 3 of 'in range' numbers. I think you really have to be a d-parent to understand how good that feels. Highs stress me so much that I seriously need medication. I hate HIGHS. So, today was a good day with no highs and no spikes! My goodness - - - why am I taunting diabetes by being a braggy braggerton??? I'm really not trying to be a braggy braggerton ---- it's just that 'in range' numbers really make me happy ---- can you tell?? FREAKING HAPPY!
We had a good day with my parents coloring Easter eggs. I really enjoy spending time with my family. It makes me SMILE. Jim came home early to spend Easter with the family so all is right in our little Houston world. Yea!!
And . . . although I hate this picture of me the reason I do what I do everyday is right here. I love the way Nate is looking at me in this picture. Pure Love.
Happy Good Friday Y'all!
15. (4/22/11) Today was a good day. Another day of pretty numbers --- I think that makes us day 3 of 'in range' numbers. I think you really have to be a d-parent to understand how good that feels. Highs stress me so much that I seriously need medication. I hate HIGHS. So, today was a good day with no highs and no spikes! My goodness - - - why am I taunting diabetes by being a braggy braggerton??? I'm really not trying to be a braggy braggerton ---- it's just that 'in range' numbers really make me happy ---- can you tell?? FREAKING HAPPY!
We had a good day with my parents coloring Easter eggs. I really enjoy spending time with my family. It makes me SMILE. Jim came home early to spend Easter with the family so all is right in our little Houston world. Yea!!
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Super Sweet Sophie |
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Nate and Daddy |
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Me and the Girls |
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Papa and The Girls |
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GaGa and Nate |
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My Little Artist, Emma Leigh |
And . . . although I hate this picture of me the reason I do what I do everyday is right here. I love the way Nate is looking at me in this picture. Pure Love.
Happy Good Friday Y'all!

Thursday, April 21, 2011
The number 14 brought to you by OmniPod and DexCom
9:55 PM
14. (4/21/11) Anyone that has read this blog for any amount of time knows that Nate wears his pod on his bum and his Dex on his arm. We've always been able to keep his pod in place and get really good numbers from his Dex this way. Well, the last 2 pods have been on his arms because we had to place his last DexCom sensor on his bum. OMG - Holy Rockin' Numbers! We are getting great blood sugars with arms sites. The last 2 days have been 100% IN RANGE! HOLLA! We are also getting great DexCom readings -- I'm talking pretty darn near perfect readings. I'm totally digging this switcheroo!! Elated!

Labels:DexCom,OmniPod,Type 1 Diabetes | 18
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
My One Thing - 13
8:59 PM
13. (4/20/11) I ordered Nate some shoes from (yes, I would rather pay $5 more than take my son to a shoe store -- really, it's a beating to take his wild ass anywhere) and I was hoping they would be here by Friday and that they would fit since they are for Easter.
Boo-ya --- they arrived today and they fit (I had to SWAG his shoe size cause I'm a good mom like that). Thanks, Hallie and Lora for filling me in on the S. Woo-Hoo!
That's all I got tonight. MWAH!
Boo-ya --- they arrived today and they fit (I had to SWAG his shoe size cause I'm a good mom like that). Thanks, Hallie and Lora for filling me in on the S. Woo-Hoo!
That's all I got tonight. MWAH!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011
#12 Not So Easy!!
9:58 PM
Today hasn't been the easiest day but I've got a #12 . . .
12. (4/19/11) Jill from Diabetes Sweeties sent us some superdy duperdy cute crafts to decorate pods with so the girls and I got to work this evening after dinner (& homework). We also made some super cute Easter Pod magnets for Easter table favors. Love D-Mom, Jill. Thankful. Fun. Cute. Quality time with the girls.
12. (4/19/11) Jill from Diabetes Sweeties sent us some superdy duperdy cute crafts to decorate pods with so the girls and I got to work this evening after dinner (& homework). We also made some super cute Easter Pod magnets for Easter table favors. Love D-Mom, Jill. Thankful. Fun. Cute. Quality time with the girls.
From Jill - Such a Sweetie!! |
Jill sent this super cute faces for the pods!! LOVE! |
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Painting Pods is a messy job with a 5 and 7 year old. :) |
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Turned out pretty cute - right? |
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I think we are ready for Easter! |

Labels:OmniPod | 13
Monday, April 18, 2011
Catching up with The Houston Family
9:42 PM
I bet you thought I forgot about my list! Or gave up? Or possibly you thought I ran off to that island vacation I've been dreaming about --- ???
Nope, I'm still here.
Counting my blessings. Some days are easier than others - -
11. (4/18/11) Mom's fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, corn on the cob, salad and strawberry shortcake. Fat and Happy!
10. (4/17/11) Sunday was another good day. I had about an hour to myself to go do some shopping. My mom hinted that she really thought I should by myself a new dress. (I don't think she was terribly impressed with my dress selection for my grandmother's wedding a few weeks back). I haven't bought a new dress in . . . . well, I tried to remember when and it's just been tooooo long. So, I bought a dress or three on Sunday so that my momma would be happy with me on Easter Sunday. Relaxing. Quiet. Nice.
After the shopping I headed to meet my D Mama friends (Joanne and Jessica) at a JDRF Mentor training seminar. We decided that it is finally time for us to give back in the T1 local community.
Joanne said it best --- we get SO much support from the DOC it's time to give some back in real life. 40 children will be diagnosed with type 1 today and if I can make it just a little bit easier for a new D Mama then sign me up!
The most interesting part was that there were several PWD attending the seminar and although I really thought I wouldn't cry (Joanne and I had a $1 on who would cry first) when I heard the PWD speak about how they wanted to help mentor CWD and also speak about how wonderful their lives are . . . I cried. It brings me so much comfort to see PWD reaching out to children with T1 and telling them ----- Hey, there is nothing that you can't do! Happy. Relieved. Blessed.
9. (4/16/11) Saturday was WONDERFUL. We started the day by taking pictures in the wild Texas Bluebonnets. It's one of our family traditions and we always have so much fun. This year GaGa and Pancake made the trip with us since Jim is still away working. Fun. Happy. Blessed. Beautiful. Love
As if that were not enough, that evening my best girlfriends (Amy, Helen, Sally and Vanessa) threw Emma and Sophie a surprise (pajama) birthday party. Remember my very feeling sorry for myself post about Mommy Guilt? Well, my wonderful, amazing, spectacular, fantastic friends (who knew they read my blog??) decided to throw the girls a party and I didn't have to do one single thing. Not one single decision was made by me and therefor it was the best birthday party EVER!
It was so fun! Amy painted all the girl's nails, they did crafts, they had a pinata, ate dinner, ate cake, ate lots of candy, played games and watched movies. Did I mention that it was fun?
On days like Saturday I forget all about diabetes and crohn's and all of the issues that we are dealing with and just enjoy every. single. moment. I seriously never know when my friends read my blog but hellllooooo if you are reading it today ---- thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You will probably never know just how much you act of kindness meant to our entire family. BLESSED!
Sorry girls . . . this is the only picture I could fund with all 4 of you in it . . .
Sam and Nate weren't too terribly impressed with all of the girliness going on inside so they decided to hang outside and hit a few balls . . .
That is all.
Nope, I'm still here.
Counting my blessings. Some days are easier than others - -
11. (4/18/11) Mom's fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, corn on the cob, salad and strawberry shortcake. Fat and Happy!
10. (4/17/11) Sunday was another good day. I had about an hour to myself to go do some shopping. My mom hinted that she really thought I should by myself a new dress. (I don't think she was terribly impressed with my dress selection for my grandmother's wedding a few weeks back). I haven't bought a new dress in . . . . well, I tried to remember when and it's just been tooooo long. So, I bought a dress or three on Sunday so that my momma would be happy with me on Easter Sunday. Relaxing. Quiet. Nice.
After the shopping I headed to meet my D Mama friends (Joanne and Jessica) at a JDRF Mentor training seminar. We decided that it is finally time for us to give back in the T1 local community.
Joanne said it best --- we get SO much support from the DOC it's time to give some back in real life. 40 children will be diagnosed with type 1 today and if I can make it just a little bit easier for a new D Mama then sign me up!
The most interesting part was that there were several PWD attending the seminar and although I really thought I wouldn't cry (Joanne and I had a $1 on who would cry first) when I heard the PWD speak about how they wanted to help mentor CWD and also speak about how wonderful their lives are . . . I cried. It brings me so much comfort to see PWD reaching out to children with T1 and telling them ----- Hey, there is nothing that you can't do! Happy. Relieved. Blessed.
9. (4/16/11) Saturday was WONDERFUL. We started the day by taking pictures in the wild Texas Bluebonnets. It's one of our family traditions and we always have so much fun. This year GaGa and Pancake made the trip with us since Jim is still away working. Fun. Happy. Blessed. Beautiful. Love
As if that were not enough, that evening my best girlfriends (Amy, Helen, Sally and Vanessa) threw Emma and Sophie a surprise (pajama) birthday party. Remember my very feeling sorry for myself post about Mommy Guilt? Well, my wonderful, amazing, spectacular, fantastic friends (who knew they read my blog??) decided to throw the girls a party and I didn't have to do one single thing. Not one single decision was made by me and therefor it was the best birthday party EVER!
It was so fun! Amy painted all the girl's nails, they did crafts, they had a pinata, ate dinner, ate cake, ate lots of candy, played games and watched movies. Did I mention that it was fun?
On days like Saturday I forget all about diabetes and crohn's and all of the issues that we are dealing with and just enjoy every. single. moment. I seriously never know when my friends read my blog but hellllooooo if you are reading it today ---- thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You will probably never know just how much you act of kindness meant to our entire family. BLESSED!
Sorry girls . . . this is the only picture I could fund with all 4 of you in it . . .
![]() |
Amy, Helen, Sally and Vanessa - - - Emma took down the pinata! |
Sam and Nate weren't too terribly impressed with all of the girliness going on inside so they decided to hang outside and hit a few balls . . .
That is all.

Friday, April 15, 2011
10:03 PM
8. (4/15/11) It's not actually tax day. Relieved. A day of great bgs (which I know simply by typing those words surely tomorrow there will be hell to pay). Thankful & Apprehensive. Pancake. Puppy Love.
7. (4/14/11) Pancake. We got a new puppy today. One of my mom's friends was looking for a loving home for her 5-month old little shih tzu puppy and believe it or not she chose us!! His name was Pugsley but we renamed him Pancake. Trust me when I say Nate could not say Puglsey - his P sounds like an F and his G sounded like a K. So, Pancake it is. Love.
6. (4/13/11) Today was easy. The DOC always lifts me up. Thankful. Lunch with my mom. Yummy. Side Walk Chalk with Sophie. Fun. Renata is thinking about doing 1 a Day too! Wonderful.
5. (4/12/11) I spent time with my dad (Bobby not Jerry - yes, I know it can get confusing since I call them both dad) and my Uncle David today on the East Side of Ft.Worth. It brought back such wonderful memories of my childhood. I even drove by my grandparents house (they've both been gone for close to 20 years) and felt like I was driving back in time. Nostalgic.
4. (4/11/11) My mom bought 2 Freestyle meters for the price of one at CVS (on sale and with a coupon). Silly but this made me happy because we were down to only our PDM for bg checks. I gave away a meter to someone in need and then our other one crapped out. Maybe this is really 2 good things for today! Exciting.
3. (4/10/11) My kids made me mud pies. Awesome kids.
2. (4/9/11) We had a wonderful day at the zoo and no low bgs for Nate. Fun and Happy.
1. (4/8/11) I witnessed a terrible hit and run accident while taking the girls to school Friday AM. Literally 1 or 2 seconds later and it would have been my truck that was hit right where Emma sits. The driver of the car that was hit was ok and luckily, he had just dropped his son off at school. I later found out from the insurance company (they called me for a witness statement) that another witness was able to get the license plate number of the runner. Thankful.
7. (4/14/11) Pancake. We got a new puppy today. One of my mom's friends was looking for a loving home for her 5-month old little shih tzu puppy and believe it or not she chose us!! His name was Pugsley but we renamed him Pancake. Trust me when I say Nate could not say Puglsey - his P sounds like an F and his G sounded like a K. So, Pancake it is. Love.
6. (4/13/11) Today was easy. The DOC always lifts me up. Thankful. Lunch with my mom. Yummy. Side Walk Chalk with Sophie. Fun. Renata is thinking about doing 1 a Day too! Wonderful.
5. (4/12/11) I spent time with my dad (Bobby not Jerry - yes, I know it can get confusing since I call them both dad) and my Uncle David today on the East Side of Ft.Worth. It brought back such wonderful memories of my childhood. I even drove by my grandparents house (they've both been gone for close to 20 years) and felt like I was driving back in time. Nostalgic.
4. (4/11/11) My mom bought 2 Freestyle meters for the price of one at CVS (on sale and with a coupon). Silly but this made me happy because we were down to only our PDM for bg checks. I gave away a meter to someone in need and then our other one crapped out. Maybe this is really 2 good things for today! Exciting.
3. (4/10/11) My kids made me mud pies. Awesome kids.
2. (4/9/11) We had a wonderful day at the zoo and no low bgs for Nate. Fun and Happy.
1. (4/8/11) I witnessed a terrible hit and run accident while taking the girls to school Friday AM. Literally 1 or 2 seconds later and it would have been my truck that was hit right where Emma sits. The driver of the car that was hit was ok and luckily, he had just dropped his son off at school. I later found out from the insurance company (they called me for a witness statement) that another witness was able to get the license plate number of the runner. Thankful.

Thursday, April 14, 2011
9:41 PM
Don't worry I can only count to about 12 in Spanish so I'll have to come up with a more clever way to title these posts after a while.
7. (4/14/11) Pancake. We got a new puppy today. One of my mom's friends was looking for a loving home for her 5-month old little shih tzu puppy and believe it or not she chose us!! His name was Pugsley but we renamed him Pancake. Trust me when I say Nate could not say Puglsey - his P sounds like an F and his G sounded like a K. So, Pancake it is. Love.
6. (4/13/11) Today was easy. The DOC always lifts me up. Thankful. Lunch with my mom. Yummy. Side Walk Chalk with Sophie. Fun. Renata is thinking about doing 1 a Day too! Wonderful.
5. (4/12/11) I spent time with my dad (Bobby not Jerry - yes, I know it can get confusing since I call them both dad) and my Uncle David today on the East Side of Ft.Worth. It brought back such wonderful memories of my childhood. I even drove by my grandparents house (they've both been gone for close to 20 years) and felt like I was driving back in time. Nostalgic.
4. (4/11/11) My mom bought 2 Freestyle meters for the price of one at CVS (on sale and with a coupon). Silly but this made me happy because we were down to only our PDM for bg checks. I gave away a meter to someone in need and then our other one crapped out. Maybe this is really 2 good things for today! Exciting.
3. (4/10/11) My kids made me mud pies. Awesome kids.
2. (4/9/11) We had a wonderful day at the zoo and no low bgs for Nate. Fun and Happy.
1. (4/8/11) I witnessed a terrible hit and run accident while taking the girls to school Friday AM. Literally 1 or 2 seconds later and it would have been my truck that was hit right where Emma sits. The driver of the car that was hit was ok and luckily, he had just dropped his son off at school. I later found out from the insurance company (they called me for a witness statement) that another witness was able to get the license plate number of the runner. Thankful.
7. (4/14/11) Pancake. We got a new puppy today. One of my mom's friends was looking for a loving home for her 5-month old little shih tzu puppy and believe it or not she chose us!! His name was Pugsley but we renamed him Pancake. Trust me when I say Nate could not say Puglsey - his P sounds like an F and his G sounded like a K. So, Pancake it is. Love.
6. (4/13/11) Today was easy. The DOC always lifts me up. Thankful. Lunch with my mom. Yummy. Side Walk Chalk with Sophie. Fun. Renata is thinking about doing 1 a Day too! Wonderful.
5. (4/12/11) I spent time with my dad (Bobby not Jerry - yes, I know it can get confusing since I call them both dad) and my Uncle David today on the East Side of Ft.Worth. It brought back such wonderful memories of my childhood. I even drove by my grandparents house (they've both been gone for close to 20 years) and felt like I was driving back in time. Nostalgic.
4. (4/11/11) My mom bought 2 Freestyle meters for the price of one at CVS (on sale and with a coupon). Silly but this made me happy because we were down to only our PDM for bg checks. I gave away a meter to someone in need and then our other one crapped out. Maybe this is really 2 good things for today! Exciting.
3. (4/10/11) My kids made me mud pies. Awesome kids.
2. (4/9/11) We had a wonderful day at the zoo and no low bgs for Nate. Fun and Happy.
1. (4/8/11) I witnessed a terrible hit and run accident while taking the girls to school Friday AM. Literally 1 or 2 seconds later and it would have been my truck that was hit right where Emma sits. The driver of the car that was hit was ok and luckily, he had just dropped his son off at school. I later found out from the insurance company (they called me for a witness statement) that another witness was able to get the license plate number of the runner. Thankful.

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Just a Mom
I am NOT a doctor, nor do I play one on this blog.
I AM a wife.
I AM the mom of 3 wonderful children.
I AM my son's pancreas.
The information provided on this blog is from our personal experiences with Type 1 diabetes. Because something works for us does not mean it will work for you.
Please consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your health care options.
I AM a wife.
I AM the mom of 3 wonderful children.
I AM my son's pancreas.
The information provided on this blog is from our personal experiences with Type 1 diabetes. Because something works for us does not mean it will work for you.
Please consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your health care options.
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Whole-Food Smoothie for Crohn's Disease11 months ago
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Jon Obst - RIP7 years ago
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Email Subscriptions.11 years ago
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Hope on 2 Wheels Documentary12 years ago
Cross Talk Radio Show Link :)12 years ago
Back to School - Our Lunch Time Dilemma12 years ago
How To Manage Your Stockpile12 years ago
Russian Custard12 years ago
Diabetes Tourettes12 years ago
A story12 years ago
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Were Off to see the Wizard13 years ago
I’m Just Not That Into This.13 years ago
CBS 5... Shame On You!13 years ago
JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes13 years ago
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I think I can breath again13 years ago
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Lipoatrophy13 years ago
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