Thursday, May 19, 2011

CCFA - Super Sweet Sophie's Walk in Pictures

Sophie & Emma before the walk

Being Silly

Excited about HER big day!

Ready to ROCK & roll. hee hee!

Aunt Sus (Fassy), GaGa, Emma, Sophie, Nate & Pancake

Me, Fassy, Emma, Sophie, Nate and Pancake

Poppa with his special girl

Daddy & Super Sweet Sophie

Daddy with his girls!

Friends and Family

Me & Helen

Friends and Family :)

Friends and Family :)

Getting ready to walk -

Jim with some guys that he works with - they came for the walk.  PS - 1 of them is T1.  :)

Good Friends!

Super Sweet Girls Supporting Super Sweet Sophie

I've known these 2 since middle school - 2 good eggs!

My Sweet Girl

Me and Soph

More Sweet Friends

I loved how our friends left notes here for Sophie!


My 2 guys!

A little dancing before the walk -

Walking for Sophie!

Sophie's Sweet Friend!!


Natey Poo and Sophie too!

The last one to cross the finish line. 

Chow Time!

It was some good chow!

Not to take away from Sophie but this was Nate's 1st bounce house. 220 - 45 in about 15 minutes!  WOW!

Messy face and all -- walking for Sophie


Let's Find a CURE

To see more photos from our great day --- please click here.


Looks as though you were surrounded by wonderful friends and family! I smiled all the way through the photos. The one in the middle of the bunch -- a close-up of Sophie with her name tag-- and the name tag one at the bottom really tugged at my heart strings. As much as I want a cure for Jack and Nate and the T1 kiddos we know, I want a cure for Sophie, too!

Bounce houses do a doozy on Jack, too. Same with trampolines.

Sarah said...

What a day! You guys are so supported and loved, I think that is one of the best benefits of walks - they help remind us that we're not alone.
Take care :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like tons of fun was had by all!!

Amy said...

G-G-G-G-orgeous Miss Sophie. Her sideways smile and her baby blues are simply adorable. Your husband has a rocking chair and a shotgun ready, right? Or, will Super Nate keep all the boys from showing up and fighting over sweet Miss Sophie? Either way, you all will have your hands full.

So happy to see in pictures how much the Houston family is loved and supported!

And, the bounce house for Nate is like our new trampoline for Ellie. She dropped 150 points in 25 minutes of jumping! Have to keep a close eye on that one ;)

Unknown said...

What a wonderful day Laura. The pix were wonderful and loved seeing your friends and family out in style and numbers supporting Sophie. The name tag was bitter~sweet for sure...and oy...on the bouncy house. Those drops are rough. xoxo

Anonymous said...

I like your shirts better. Our are orange with blue writing. Looks like you had a super day!!!! Karen

Meri said...

I don't want to scare you...but your kids are getting HUGE!!! They are so tall! There must be something in the water!

Your pictures spoke a million

Thank you for taking us along with your blog. Love you!

Beautiful pics, friends, family and everything else!!

So glad you had an amazing day!! Go Sophie!!

Ps: umm isnt that my name for Nate!? Nateypoo!! Lol love u mad!

Penny said...

What lovely pictures - they show such love and caring - what a support network you have for this for sweet Sophie! So glad you had a wonderful day!

Nicole said...

looks like you had a wonderful walk. What wonderful support you have and all your children are adorable!! Go Sophie Go :)

Looks like a beautiful day! Such wonderful, happy faces. So much love!

(couldn't help but notice the JDRF bag in "chow time")

Michelle said...

Looks like a fantastic day...lots of friends & family there to support Sophie :)

Tracy said...

What wonderful pictures of the walk! I get tears every time I think of Super Sweet Sophie. She really is one of the sweetest little girls in the world.

I hope they find a cure for her soon!

Love you!

Love, love, love the pics! And the people in them, too!

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Just a Mom

I am NOT a doctor, nor do I play one on this blog.

I AM a wife.
I AM the mom of 3 wonderful children.
I AM my son's pancreas.

The information provided on this blog is from our personal experiences with Type 1 diabetes. Because something works for us does not mean it will work for you.

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