Wednesday, May 30, 2012
OmniParty Invitation
11:21 AM
Join us for an OmniParty
Saturday June
2nd 3:00-5:00 pm
Top Golf
1500 Andrews
Allen, TX
& Stacy Rd)
Dealing with Illness
and Diabetes Management
Sick day
DKA prevention
Suzanne Weldon
RD, LD, CDE (Adult) & Angie Burris RN, CDE (Pediatric)
Our purpose is to
create a community of people with diabetes, In order to allow patients
and families already on a pump or those interested in learning more
· Make
· Be supported &
support others
· Get
· Be inspired &
the word about the benefits of pump therapy
Almost everyone who
has or deals with diabetes knows someone else with diabetes who could benefit
from an OmniParty. Make a difference and invite them to
Sponsored by:
Type One Family
Network (TOFN)
The Houston Family will be there . . . will you?

Sunday, May 20, 2012
Day 7 - D-Blog Week - Wildcard Hero
10:19 PM

Click for the Diabetes Hero - Sunday 5/20 Link List.
Let’s end our week on a high note and blog about our “Diabetes Hero”. It can be anyone you’d like to recognize or admire, someone you know personally or not, someone with diabetes or maybe a Type 3. It might be a fabulous endo or CDE. It could be a d-celebrity or role-model. It could be another DOC member. It’s up to you – who is your Diabetes Hero??
Click for the Diabetes Creativity Wildcard Link List.
Creativity comes in all shapes and forms, so take this where ever it leads you. Write a diabetes poem. Create some D-Art. Record a vlog. Write a diabetes song parody. Scrapbook, collage, sew, knit, crochet . . . . use your favorite creative outlet to create a diabetes project!
It's kind of a combo or 2 for the price of one deal . . .
Obviously, it goes without saying that Nate is my Diabetes Hero and I've written about that many, many times. I honestly do not think I could have diabetes ----- I'm a total wimp! He is so totally amazing and strong and awesome and brave and super adorable!
See ---- total diabetes hero.
For the creativity part I thought I would share this video I made back in 2010 not even a year after Nate's diagnosis. If I made one today which I should have done for this post but didn't have the time. It would be to a much more upbeat song --- maybe . . . The Fighter by Gym Class Heroes or something bad ass like that.
Nonetheless, here is the super sad, going to make you cry video I made for our JDRF Super Nate walk team in 2010:

Day 6 - D-Blog Week - Diabetes & Me
10:15 PM

Click for the Saturday Snapshots - Saturday 5/19 Link List.
Back for the third year, let’s show everyone what life with diabetes looks like! With a nod to the Diabetes 365 project, let’s grab our cameras again and share some more d-related pictures. Post as many or as few as you’d like. Feel free to blog your thoughts on or explanations of your pictures, or leave out the written words and let the pictures speak for themselves.
Diabetes has changed me. I'm not sure if it has made be better or worse but I do know it has made me stronger.
I was going to just post the above picture but while looking for something else I found the below picture that I posted back in 2010 and it seems fitting for this post . . .

Friday, May 18, 2012
Day 5 - D-Blog Week - Diabetes Hurts
11:30 PM

Click for the What They Should Know – Friday 5/18 Link List.
Today let’s borrow a topic from a #dsma chat held last September. The tweet asked “What is one thing you would tell someone that doesn’t have diabetes about living with diabetes?”. Let’s do a little advocating and post what we wish people knew about diabetes. Have more than one thing you wish people knew? Go ahead and tell us everything.
To learn a lot --- I mean a whole lot about living with type 1 click the link list above and read some of the other blogs participating in D Blog Week. Lots & lots of good information being posted today.
There is a ton I would like to educate the general public on about type 1 but today I am just going to remind those not living with type 1 diabetes . . . that diabetes hurts.
I think people forget because Nate doesn't flinch when I check his sugar that there is still a little needle poking him until he bleeds ---- he may be used to it but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. And we do it 12-15 times a day. So far today we've actually done it 20 times!!
UGH --- picture proof. No judging on the WAY CRAZY numbers we've been having lately!
19 bs checks TODAY on the PDM and 1 on meter (see video below)
That's a lot of BS!
School days Nate gets checked more than other days
School days Nate gets checked more than other days
Our 90 day number is 1,111 on the PDM alone
Now that is really a lot of BS!
Also, very few people in my real life actually see Nate getting his pod changed. We change it every 2 - 3 days (sometimes more frequently) and he hates it. I've posted videos for my readers before of Nate's pod changes. They are hard to watch. After 2 years, 2 months and 18 days Nate still cries almost every single time we change his pod.
Diabetes Hurts.
The littles and I decided to make a couple of silly videos about checking Nate's sugar and then tonight was pod change night so we made a video of that as well.
I want everyone to know a lot of things about living with type 1 diabetes but I think the one thing I want you to remember today is that DIABETES HURTS. If you think it is just a physical pain you would be mistaken. That is my son, my baby in those videos. I do that to him every few days. Diabetes hurts Nate but it hurts me and the rest of our family too.
Keep Calm and Pod Change On . . .

Thursday, May 17, 2012
Day 4 - D-Blog Week - Give Me What I Want!
8:40 PM

Click here for the Fantasy Diabetes Device - Thursday 5/17 Link List.
Today let’s tackle an idea inspired by Bennet of Your Diabetes May Vary. Tell us what your Fantasy Diabetes Device would be? Think of your dream blood glucose checker, delivery system for insulin or other meds, magic carb counter, etc etc etc. The sky is the limit – what would you love to see?
This is going to be really easy for me. There are a million things I wish we had to help deliver insulin, check and monitor blood sugar and/or something that would do both simultaneously while sending all of that data to my iPhone for me to review and approve.
Really though there is no imaginary device that can take the place of what I really want for Nate and for all of my friends living with diabetes. What I want more than anything is a cure.
If you know me at all you know that I don't sit around waiting for a cure, or blah blah blahing about a cure or most importantly filling my children's heads with thoughts of a cure coming soon.
But if I'm going to be honest ---- it really is what I want the most.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Day 3 - D-Blog Week - Room for Improvement
8:01 PM

Click for the One Thing to Improve - Wednesday 5/16 Link List.
Yesterday we gave ourselves and our loved ones a big pat on the back for one thing we are great at. Today let’s look at the flip-side. We probably all have one thing we could try to do better. Why not make today the day we start working on it. No judgments, no scolding, just sharing one small thing we can improve so the DOC can cheer us on!
Well-- Well . . . since I said I totally rock diabetes yesterday I guess today I must confess to a few things that I could improve.
1) Changing of the Lancet --- Seriously cannot tell you the last time this happened. I know - I suck!
2) Washing of the Poking Finger --- I'm really bad about just wiping Nate's finger on my shirt and calling it clean. I know - GROSS!
3) Stressing over the Highs --- Oh yes, highs stress me out far more than lows. I get seriously stressed out and rage bolus the crap out of them. I know - Relax
4) Diabetes in the House --- I think the worst thing that I do is put Nate's diabetes on everyone in the house. I strongly believe that it is a family disease --- we all live with it but I sometimes put too much of it on Emma and Sophie. The only example I can think of right now is that Emma wants to get her ears pierced which I am ok with -- sort of. But, the latest trend is to get numbing cream from the doctor (EMLA) before going to get them pierced so they won't feel it. I say NO WAY! Nate's fingers get poked 12-15 times a day, he gets his pod changed every 2-3 days and Dexcom every 7-14. NO STINKIN WAY am I letting my daughters get numbing cream for an elective poking of the ears. I wonder if I would even care if Nate didn't have diabetes? I know - I'm a meanie!
I could go on and on but I think we were only supposed to focus on one.
Keep calm and D-Blog Week On . . .

Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Day 2 - D-Blog Week - I Rock this Job
8:16 AM

Click for the One Great Thing - Tuesday 5/15 Link List.
Living with diabetes (or caring for someone who lives with it) sure does take a lot of work, and it’s easy to be hard on ourselves if we aren’t “perfect”. But today it’s time to give ourselves some much deserved credit. Tell us about just one diabetes thing you (or your loved one) does spectacularly! Fasting blood sugar checks, oral meds sorted and ready, something always on hand to treat a low, or anything that you do for diabetes. Nothing is too big or too small to celebrate doing well!
This weekend I was chatting with a friend's husband and while eating one my of super delicious chocolate chip cookies he asked me the following question:
Besides making awesome cookies, what other talents do you have?
I had no answer. I seriously don't really do anything well. I have no talents! I didn't play sports growing up, or dance or do gymnastics. I don't paint or draw. I really have no talents whatsoever. Sad, I know. I couldn't think of anything that I do well.
Then when I was trying to think of a diabetes thing that I do spectacularly for this post and it came to me.
That's what I do.
I do it all well.
Don't get me wrong ---- I'm far from a perfect pancreas but I think I balance it all so well that most of my friends forget what all I deal with on daily/nightly basis.
I think they forget that I check Nate's sugar 12-15 times per day, they don't realize that I have to make critical decisions to his well being at every single check, I change his insulin pump every 2-3 days (hell, I think 1/2 of them think the pod just sticks on his arm with the sticky tape ---- FYI --- there's a very large needle that inserts a ---- oh good hell never mind!), I do a lot of math, I am accountable for everything that he puts into his mouth, the list goes on and on.
What I do --
What I do spectacularly is . . .
that I make it all seem NORMAL and OK and EASY and like it is NO BIG DEAL.
I'm actually quite pleased that I've gotten to a place after almost 3 years where I can make it all look easy.
It's not easy. It is hard. It is exhausting. It is frustrating. It is bloody. It is painful. It is total and complete suckage at times. But I am glad that I make it look easier than all of that.
Here's how it really is for me and for all of moms raising children with diabetes ---
A beautiful post written by my friend and fellow D Mom, Meri from Our Diabetic Life
We are called D Moms. D Mamas. Even Type 3's.
Sometimes we get a bad rap.
We wish it were us.
We are warriors.
We are D Moms.

Sometimes we get a bad rap.
~We're too "intense."
~We worry too much.
~We are overbearing.
~We over think.
~We over react.
~We over manage.
And I only have one thing to say about all of that...
You are probably right.
I want to tell you that if you are a parent, you can understand.
But that is not true.
I want to tell you that if you have diabetes yourself, you can understand.
But that is not true either...just as I will never fully understand your diabetic life,
you will never fully understand mine.
The only way you would understand what goes on in the swelly brain of a D Mama,
is if you were a D Mama yourself.
We are special. Chosen for our story, as you were chosen for yours.
We are fighters, and we will fight until our last breath to keep our children safe.
New technologies like fast acting insulin and insulin pumps provide keys for better management, but they also provide a clear and present danger at all times.
We have to be vigilant.
We look into the eyes of our children and we love them with a bright tenderness. We want more than anything for them to live a life free from restrictions, free from prejudice, free from complications, free from emergency rooms and hospitals.
We feel a responsibility well beyond any bounds of normalcy. We do not want to live a life of regrets. One day we will need to look into the eyes of our adult Type 1 Children and we want more than anything to say...
"I did my best."
The mothers of Type 1's spend every day racked with guilt. Every blood sugar number pierces our heart. We feel responsible for every high and every low.
An argument can be made that diabetes is responsible for every one of those numbers, but in our eyes...whether a reasonable notion or not, we feel they are a reflection of our efforts.
We may not always admit it to you, or to ourselves...but we take those numbers personally.
The A1C isn't called the mommy report card for nothing.
We do not sleep. That is a choice. We choose to keep a close eye on the numbers while the world takes a break. We don't take breaks. We know that waking up with a off number can domino to the rest of the day.
We know that pancreases sputter.
We know the soccer game from 5 hours earlier can affect the nighttime numbers.
(Yet we urge them to play.)
We know that Pizza can wreak havoc hours after consumption, and we know that Chinese food for dinner means a sleepless night for us.
(Yet we delight in serving them their favorites anyway.)
We know that diabetes never sleeps. That is why we don't either.
We know that a 200 can turn into a 52 in 30 minutes flat.
We know that on field trip days our children may spike with excitement, or bottom out from activity.
We know nothing is for sure.
So we check, and constantly ask our children how they are feeling...and we hover...watching every move...looking for changes in our children's faces...changes in their gait...tiny beads of sweat on the back of their necks...we know the signs of lows. We know our children better than anyone else.
We love hard.
We try hard.
We cry hard.
We hug hard.
We hope hard.
We stress hard.
We are hard on ourselves.
We are D mamas.
Don't judge us because we fret over the details. To us...Our Diabetic Life is all about the details.
We are 100% responsible for the well being of children we love more than anything on this blessed green earth.
No, we will not back off.
No, we will not calm down.
No, we will not stop making noise.
As mothers, we know that our children are special. Diabetes makes them stronger. It makes them resilient, responsible, amazing. It gives them a sense of humor. It makes them grow up too fast, and let's them spread their wings too slow.
We wish we could take away the pain.
We are warriors.
We are D Moms.
Hear. Us. Roar.

I love Ms. Meri ---- she does the making it look easy spectacularly well too! What can I say . . . I learned from the very best!
Keep calm and D-Blog Week On ---

Monday, May 14, 2012
Day 1 - Diabetes Blog Week - Find a Friend
12:54 PM

Day 1 --- Find a Friend
Click for the Find A Friend - Monday 5/14 Link List.
It seems the most popular thing about Diabetes Blog Week is that it helps us find blogs we weren’t reading yet and connect with some new blog friends. With that in mind, let’s kick off Diabetes Blog Week by making some new connections. Think about the d-blogs you read that you think we may not know about and introduce us to one that you love!! Let’s all find a new friend today!
Day 1 - Topic 1 and I am already having problems. Excellent. The problem? I've been so busy I've all but stopped reading blogs. I know ---- it totally sucks. I miss it!
I am sure all of my PWD bloggy friends already read this blog but I'm not sure if all of my D-Mama bloggy friends do . . . so I thought I would make the introduction. Melissa of Sweetly Voiced is not only one of my friends that lives inside of my computer she's actually a friend in real life!!
She lives super close, we have met lots of times and I absolutely adore her. I love reading her blog and I love sitting down and discussing diabetes with her. She has taught me a ton and she always has such an interesting twist on things. I always leave the conversations thinking . . .
hmmmm . . . I never would have thought of that. Genius! Plus after I wrote this post ---> The Sh*t that is Crohn's Disease which has some serious foul language in it she left the best comment ever (I hope she doesn't get mad at me for posting):
The greatest part of the comment is that she actually did it ---- she hugged the F*CK out of me and I loved it. I love her and I love her blog so get the F*CK out out of here and go check out Sweetly Voiced.
Keep Calm and D-Blog Week On . . .

Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Insulin Overload --- what could have been a fatal mistake
6:52 AM
Noun: |
Insulin . . . such an important part of my life today. The small vial of insulin that I pick up at my local CVS pharmacy each month literally keeps my son, Nate alive each day. Without his insulin pump, the OmniPod infusing insulin into his body 24 hours a day/7 days a week Nate would not be able to live.
I've said it many times the scariest part of Nate's T1 is that the very same insulin that keeps him alive and healthy can actually cause extreme hypoglycemia which could lead to a coma, brain damage or death. It's a very, very fine line.
The insulin isn't magic and Nate's pump isn't magic . . . although that would be really nice. Jim and I have to calculate each dose of insulin that Nate receives through his pump. It is a non-stop, never-ending, always-changing job that keeps us on our toes at all times.
Mistakes are not an option when it comes to insulin.
That being said . . . Saturday the 5th of May, 2012 a monumental mistake was made and it could have been fatal. I'm not saying this to be dramatic ---- it is a fact! If we had not realized what we had done --- the mistake that was made ---- it would have been fatal.
Most of my readers know that Jim and I are going through a divorce, he works out of state most of the time and I handle most of Nate's diabetes care. Jim can do everything that I can do --- he's just not here most of the time so the every day ins and outs of D care are mine. Nate has been pumping with the OmniPod for over 2 years now and I can probably count on one hand the number of insulin injections I've had to give Nate from a syringe. In that same time Jim has not had to give Nate any injections via syringe.
So, Saturday was a rare day for us. Jim was in town, it was his weekend with the littles but he had a ton of work to do so I volunteered to hang around and help out so he could get it all done. Yea . . . pretty much I had nothing else to do all weekend so you know --- I was nice. :)
I decided to take the kids hiking Saturday afternoon and at the last minute Jim decided to take a break from work and tag along. I was actually happy he decided to go. As much as I love hiking with the littles --- it can be a bit challenging solo.
As we were hiking Nate's pod fell off and being the stellar D Mama that I am I didn't have another one with me (I always have an extra or 2 with me EXCEPT for when I actually need one). I wasn't worried at all during the hike because he stays in range with the help of a lot of carbo boosting along the way. After our very long, hot and dirty hike we decided to grab a bite to eat and instead of doing a pod change we decided to just give Nate an injection to bolus for dinner. No. Big. Deal. Except it turned out to be a VERY. BIG. DEAL.
We SWAGGED dinner and decided that Nate needed about 1.25 units of insulin. Jim drew up the insulin and was handling giving Nate the injection while I took the girls to the restroom. As I was leaving the table I could tell that Nate wasn't too thrilled about a shot so I decided to grab the syringe and give the shot in Nate's arm really fast while Jim was distracting him. I never even looked at the syringe just picked it up, stuck it in, and pushed down on the plunger. As soon as I did I knew something was very, very wrong. I asked Jim how much insulin he put in the syringe and he very confidently answered 1.25 units. I asked him to show me on the syringe because I knew . . . I knew by the feel that I had never given that much insulin before. When he showed me on the syringe he pointed somewhere between the 10 unit line and the 15 unit line and my knees went weak. He thought the 10 was 1.0 and the 15 was 1.5.
I actually felt the blood drain from my face and I saw the look of absolute fear in Jim's eyes when I told him what we had done.
We gave Nate 12 units of FAST ACTING APIDRA.
To date Nate's largest bolus has been 4 units and that made him bottom out. His current total daily insulin intake is around 11 units per day. 12 units of fast acting insulin in my 3 year old son was a fatal dose and we kind of freaked the F out.
The part that scared us both the most is that if I had not decided to turn around and help with the shot Jim would have never known that he gave Nate 12 units of fast acting insulin. The what ifs and the what could have beens were pretty overwhelming.
I usually handle all things diabetes pretty calmly --- I avoid the hospital like the plague when it comes to Nate and diabetes. I'm pretty cocky . . . always thinking ---- I got this. This time I was ready to go straight to the ER --- I was pretty scared. I stayed calm and Jim and I very calmly and quietly discussed our options. We were soon overwhelmed when we realized Nate's dinner time insulin to carb ration (I:C) is 1:30. That means he only gets 1 unit of insulin for 30g of carbs eaten. That meant we need to feed Nate 360 grams of carbs to keep him safe. CRAP! I did call the on call endo at Children's but she said 'just give him some ice cream' . . . ummmmmmm ok!
Jim and I decided we could handle it and it would be more traumatic for Nate if we took him to ER for glucose drip. So, we began the carbo overload right there at Uncle Julios! We started with regular Coke --- 2 glasses, ordered sopapillas with extra honey & ice cream. When we left the restaurant we stopped and picked up a few treats . . .
Jim kept up with carbs on paper and I kept up with my iPhone calculator.
I kept adding to my calculator each time we convinced Nate to eat something else. I like this picture because if you look closely at the top you can see a message from Lexi was coming in to check on me. I absolutely loved the way the D moms and dads, family and friends rallied around us Saturday night. Every text message, phone call and FB message seriously kept us going and kept us encouraged enough to know that we would be able to get through one of the scariest nights of our lives.
And no . . . Nate didn't eat GaGa . . . she brought cookies and treat over for him to eat so I guess instead of writing all of those things down he just wrote GaGa. :)
Nate's blood sugar hovered between 90 and 159 all evening. It would drop, we would feed, drop and feed, drop and feed. We ended up finally giving 270g of carbs and 2 mini glucagon (4 units each) and he never dropped below 90 not even when the Apidra peaked.
When we finally saw his bg rising later that night we put a pod on and started his basal again. He ended up pretty high after the pod change but after the long night that we had . . . I was so ok with it!
Oh yea - - - did I mention that 270g of carbs had Nate bouncing off the walls? He was CrAzY!
As per usual all pics were taken with my iPhone so please excuse the terrible color and all that blah blah blah!
Nate was in carb heaven . . . he and the girls never knew the severity of the situation or really that there was a situation at all. They just enjoyed munching on candy, coke and ice cream all night.
We kept calm and carbed on!

Labels:Apidra,Diabetes,Insulin,Insulin Overdose | 19
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Just a Mom
I am NOT a doctor, nor do I play one on this blog.
I AM a wife.
I AM the mom of 3 wonderful children.
I AM my son's pancreas.
The information provided on this blog is from our personal experiences with Type 1 diabetes. Because something works for us does not mean it will work for you.
Please consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your health care options.
I AM a wife.
I AM the mom of 3 wonderful children.
I AM my son's pancreas.
The information provided on this blog is from our personal experiences with Type 1 diabetes. Because something works for us does not mean it will work for you.
Please consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your health care options.
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Check out these AWESOME
D-rent Blogs . . .
D-rent Blogs . . .
Blog Archive
- OmniParty Invitation
- Day 7 - D-Blog Week - Wildcard Hero
- Day 6 - D-Blog Week - Diabetes & Me
- Day 5 - D-Blog Week - Diabetes Hurts
- Day 4 - D-Blog Week - Give Me What I Want!
- Day 3 - D-Blog Week - Room for Improvement
- Day 2 - D-Blog Week - I Rock this Job
- Day 1 - Diabetes Blog Week - Find a Friend
- Insulin Overload --- what could have been a fatal ...

My Blog List
Whole-Food Smoothie for Crohn's Disease10 months ago
Winter Solstice1 year ago
Post-Pod Supper5 years ago
Coexisting with dark places.5 years ago
Pod Hockey6 years ago
The Mirror7 years ago
Jon Obst - RIP7 years ago
Stars Aligned….7 years ago
For the Newly Diagnosed...8 years ago
Happy Easter 20168 years ago
Hope9 years ago
10 Years Ago Today9 years ago
Lucas-isms9 years ago
Diabetes Resolutions10 years ago
T-Slim - I'm beginning to love you...10 years ago
Worry...Worry...WORRY!10 years ago
I NEED The Arrows!!10 years ago
Anyone have ink?11 years ago
Goodbye Sweet Friend11 years ago
For You, My Friend11 years ago
For Shamae11 years ago
Karen Jensen, RD11 years ago
Callan11 years ago
3 Years11 years ago
Email Subscriptions.11 years ago
Growing up and letting go11 years ago
Bye Bye Insulet, Hello Medtronic11 years ago
Hope on 2 Wheels Documentary12 years ago
Cross Talk Radio Show Link :)12 years ago
Back to School - Our Lunch Time Dilemma12 years ago
How To Manage Your Stockpile12 years ago
Russian Custard12 years ago
Diabetes Tourettes12 years ago
A story12 years ago
10 years13 years ago
Were Off to see the Wizard13 years ago
I’m Just Not That Into This.13 years ago
CBS 5... Shame On You!13 years ago
JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes13 years ago
totally random13 years ago
I think I can breath again13 years ago
Weekend Meme13 years ago
Think positive...13 years ago
Lipoatrophy13 years ago
"What I Am"14 years ago
Missing.....14 years ago
I'm BACK!14 years ago
SleepOVERS!!!15 years ago