Monday, September 17, 2012
3 Years Today
6:00 AM
The years seem to fly by . . . how is it that it has been 3 years since Nate's diagnosis of type 1 diabetes? I rarely get sad about Nate's diagnosis anymore but this evening when I realized that tomorrow was September 17th it hit me hard. I've been a blubbering mess all evening.
I read Nate's diagnosis story and was taken back to that day. One of the worst days of my life. Is Nate healthy and happy today? --- Yes, he's a healthy, happy, holy terror really! It doesn't change the fact though that he was diagnosed 3 years ago with a lifelong medical condition that requires a ton of vigilance to keep him alive.
I found the synonyms interesting for the word vigilant. It is possible only a D-parent will understand how appropriate those synonyms really are.
Adjective: |
| |
Synonyms: | watchful - alert - wakeful - awake - wary - open-eyed |
Three years ago I made a promise to Nate and to myself.
I promised I would never let diabetes define Nate Houston.
Diabetes is not who he is ---- diabetes is what he has.
Nate is a spectacular 4 year old little boy that happens to have diabetes.
He also happens to have had his blood sugar checked (finger poked with a needle) over 16,500 times, received over 700 shots of insulin via syringe, and had over 300 pod changes which includes a very large needle inserting a catheter beneath his skin to deliver insulin.
Wow ----- that my friends is pretty spectacular.
He is a brave little boy.
He is a warrior little boy.
He is amazing!! ...and although I am mostly desensitized to the above facts I am occasionally reminded when I see other children watching in horror as I check Nate's sugar or change his insulin pump that it is this is not everyone's normal. Although it is our normal it should not be . . . I am still hopeful for better technology, better insulin, better everything . . . . and most of all I am still hopeful for a cure.
This year we are walking to raise awareness and money for JDRF --- the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundations.
JDRF is the leading global organization focused on type 1 diabetes (T1D) research. Driven by passionate, grassroots volunteers connected to children, adolescents, and adults with this disease, JDRF is now the largest charitable supporter of T1D research. The goal of JDRF research is to improve the lives of all people affected by T1D by accelerating progress on the most promising opportunities for curing, better treating, and preventing T1D. JDRF collaborates with a wide spectrum of partners who share this goal.
Since its founding in 1970, JDRF has awarded more than $1.6 billion to diabetes research. Past JDRF efforts have helped to significantly advance the care of people with this disease, and have expanded the critical scientific understanding of T1D. JDRF will not rest until T1D is fully conquered. More than 80 percent of JDRF's expenditures directly support research and research-related education.
Team Super Nate - Sponsored by Quick Sticks
I cannot imagine life without T1D but I'm guessing I could get used to it pretty fast!!
Thank you so much to all that have already made donations ---- we look forward to sharing our walk day photos with you all.
Keep calm and Hope for a Cure . . .

Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Walking for Nate
4:45 PM
Hello Friends and
The JDRF Walk to Cure Type
1 Diabetes is quickly approaching and although we did not put a walk team
together last year we have decided we would like to walk this year for our sweet
son, Nate. We don’t have much time because the walk is September
29th ---- nothing like waiting until the last minute to decide ---
We have a great sponsor
this year . . . .
Quick Sticks has generously
offered to provide walk shirts and other goodies for walk day. So, if you would
like to walk with us this year --- I need to know ASAP so they can order our
shirts. Please email me at and let me know if you’d like to walk and
your t-shirt size. Families are welcome!! The walk is a very family friendly
event and we always have a lot of fun before and after the walk.
Please consider walking
with us this year to show your support for our Super Nate.
On September
17th of this year Nate will have been living with Type 1 Diabetes for
3 years. He was diagnosed at the young age of 14-months. Although, we do not
let type 1 diabetes define Nate in any way his diabetes is always there. He
never gets to take a break or have a vacation from diabetes. I truly believe
that in the 3 years our family has been living with diabetes we have adjusted
and made our life with diabetes look easy and if you asked Nate today he would
not complain. Please know that living with type 1 is not easy. Diabetes hurts
my little man in so many ways. We need your support on walk day and every day
---- please, please consider walking with Nate to show your support.
If you are able to make a
donation, we would be beyond appreciative. Every dollar donated to JDRF brings
us one step closer to finding a cure.
Here is the link to our
JDRF Fundraising page:
Once you respond about the
walk I will send out more details about walk day.
Many, many
Jim, Laura, Emma, Sophie
and Super Nate
Keep Calm and Walk On!!

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Just a Mom
I am NOT a doctor, nor do I play one on this blog.
I AM a wife.
I AM the mom of 3 wonderful children.
I AM my son's pancreas.
The information provided on this blog is from our personal experiences with Type 1 diabetes. Because something works for us does not mean it will work for you.
Please consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your health care options.
I AM a wife.
I AM the mom of 3 wonderful children.
I AM my son's pancreas.
The information provided on this blog is from our personal experiences with Type 1 diabetes. Because something works for us does not mean it will work for you.
Please consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your health care options.
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